Biblical Principals for Financial Planning

Biblical Principals for Financial Planning

There were two topics that no one seemed to talk much about growing up, likely because they aren’t typical conversation starters around the church or family gatherings. However, these are subjects that many people engage in and spend a lot of time on, even if...
Forgiveness Through Faith

Forgiveness Through Faith

          My journey to finding a relationship with God is a long and complicated one. There wasn’t ever just one moment that I can recall, where my life completely changed forever. I had years of hurt and pain that could not be healed in one church service. I...
Parenting through Public School

Parenting through Public School

Fact or Fiction: Parenting Through Public School Fact: Babies don’t typically sleep through the night during the newborn phase. Fiction: Life or parenthood will get easier when the baby can sleep through the night. Each season and milestone come with their own...
My Intercessory Prayer

My Intercessory Prayer

I wish I could say I come from a long line of apostolic believers, but alas, that can’t be said. Indeed, I met Jesus first at a Roman Catholic church at a very young age. However, as life often does, my reacquaintance with Jesus didn’t happen again until I was in my...