Is the Holy Spirit REally for Me?
Teachers, in our upcoming Bible study we will delve into the intriguing question: “Is the Holy Spirit Really for Me?” We will explore the historical roots of the Holy Spirit, tracing its concept back to Old Testament prophecy, such as Jeremiah’s vision of a new covenant written on the hearts of humanity.
Moving forward, we will uncover the prophecies of Joel, Ezekiel, and Isaiah, all pointing to a universal outpouring of the Spirit and a divine plan that transcends time and cultural boundaries. As we journey through Scripture, we will examine Jesus’ promise of the Comforter and the necessity of being born again of the Spirit, essential for entering the kingdom of God.
Finally, we will revisit the pivotal event of Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit descended upon believers, empowering them for ministry and leading to thousands being baptized. Through these teachings, we will rediscover the foundational truths of our faith and the vital role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Week Nine Recap Video
You can send this if you so desire to give your student a quick glance and reminder of what they learned from their bible experience with you. Simply copy the link and send it to them personally. This will be IF you choose to go over the first lesson in two waves. If you decide to go it in one, you can simply send one or both.
Week Nine: Pastor Gary Example
You can watch this video and see how Pastor Gary expounds and explores online to catch some additional talking points, nuances and resources that will certainly be beneficial to you!