Ages (12-18)
“A safe place for youth to belong and grow in relationship with God and others!”
On Wednesday nights, students will have their own age appropriate service with the youth team and youth pastor. This service features their own youth band and praise team, activities focused on their age group, a message for them, and then an altar call where they are encouraged to respond in prayer.

For weekend services, we do offer a class for the youth group called the BRIDGE (ages 11-14). The remainder of the youth participate in serving in various ministries throughout the church. There is no limit to what they can do! So don’t just choose a church based on what your kids get out of the service, instead, teach them to serve and find their gifts and callings in the Kingdom of God!

Ignite is an exciting quarterly service aimed at creating a space for this generation to encounter the fire of revival. The flames are calling out to all generations to rise higher, go deeper and spread further. Revival will consume churches, cities and regions with the power of God. Revival isn’t just for a church group, it is also for you as an individual. Who needs Ignited? Me. You. Them. God has placed a seed in your spirit. Revival is beckoning.